Oral Medicine studies pathologies that affect the oral cavity and adjacent structures, such as the salivary glands, the maxillary bones and the temporomandibular joint.
Various oral pathologies are well recognized in the literature, some of them are related to general health states, such as diabetes, hypertension, cancer or AIDS. Currently, multidisciplinary management is of vital importance, as is the consultation with the patient's doctor.
7 ORAL MEDICINE BOOKS that every specialist must read. The following list of Oral Medicine books includes literature published since 2000. Professionals in this specialty have to read this collection of books.
We share with the dental community more than 18 Oral Medicine videos that we have classified and that are part of a set of Webinars, Video Conferences and Clinical Cases that are offered totally FREE on the internet, favoring the continuous training of the oral health professional.
► AMELOBLASTOMA: Clinical features, Radiological features, Treatment and Differential Diagnosis
► RADICULAR CYST: Clinical features, radiology and histopathology
► DEVELOPMENT OF TOOTH: Bell stage and root formation
► DEVELOPMENT OF TOOTH: Initiation, bud and cap stage
► OROFACIAL PAIN: A challenge for the dentist - Dr. Anand Krishnan
► MUCOCELE: Types, Clinical Features, Histopathology and Treatment
► PULP CALCIFICATIONS: Pulp stones (Denticles) and Diffuse linear calcifications
► AMELOGENESIS: Stages of enamel formation
► Oral Cancers and Precancerous Lesions - Dr. Ricardo Padilla
► MCQs on Skin and Vesiculobullous Diseases
► Developmental Defects of Teeth
► SUPPURATIVE OSTEOMYELITIS of Jaw - Pathogenesis, Clinical features and Radiology
► ORTHOKERATINIZING ODONTOGENIC CYST: Clinical features, Radiology and Histopathology
► Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor - Hack Dentistry
► What are Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders?
► COURSE: Screening for Obstructive Sleep Apnea - Dr. Ken Berley
► ORAL CANCER: Interview - Dr. Anthony Giamberardino
► ORAL CANCER: A Comprehensive Overview